Friday, March 11, 2011

Rodeo Time!

Cy is on a rodeo committee this year so he has spent some time out there this month.
I really wish I could go too, because I would love to see Cole around all the animals.
Cy took Cole to the livestock show last Saturday.  He was so excited and talked about the rodeo from the second we told him he was going.  Of course, his favorite part was the horses!
Here he is in his rodeo attire.
He can't walk in his boots at all, so Cy had to carry him for 3 hours! Good exercise!

Here I am!

I am so excited to be 34 weeks pregnant today!! The Lord has truly blessed us and protected us throughout this pregnancy.  I went to the dr. yesterday for my weekly visit and everything still looks good!
He said we could talk about an exact delivery date and time at my 36 week appointment.
I don't have many pictures of myself throughout this pregnancy, except the lovely ones that I have taken in front of the mirror with my iPhone.  I promised myself that I would never put pictures like this on my blog, but I guess I will have to eat my words!  I really want to use this blog as a scrapbook, so here goes!
18 Weeks

20 Weeks

22 Weeks

25 Weeks

27 Weeks

29 weeks

31 Weeks

33 weeks

34 Weeks
34 Weeks
35 Weeks

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Our Weekend

This was probably the most fun filled weekend we have had since I went on bed rest 6 weeks ago!

Six of  my wonderful friends hosted a baby shower for me on Sunday afternoon.  It was so much fun! I never had a shower with my last pregnancy because the babies were born the week before the shower.  I got a great mix of cute new outfits for Carter and also practical things that we will put to use in his nursery.
I am still trying to figure out how to download the pictures to the blog from Shutterfly, so I will have to post those later.

Cole and I stayed with my parents on Saturday night because Cy was at the lease for the last weekend of hunting season.  Cole loves to help my Dad clean out the pool.  As soon as he gets there, he starts pointing towards the back door and says, "Duke, pool, net, yeaves (leaves), boots on"
Headed towards the pool
Such a big help!
My mom got Cole some rain boots and he loves to wear them in the pool!

Cole had a birthday party on Sunday afternoon.  The party favors were hilarious.  This is how he walked in from the party.  I was dying laughing.  He was so serious.
Apparently he had more fun playing with the gate in the fence than any of the toys! See, that is why I made the rule that we don't need any more toys!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What we have been up to....

Well, since I don't do much these days I don't have much to report.
I did get to make my first outing to the grocery store last weekend.
Who knew that grocery shopping would become the highlight of my weekend.
This is how it worked:

Cy was so embarrassed and acted like he didn't even know me!! Every time I put the cart in reverse, it would start beeping.  I have to admit it was kinda embarrassing.  But, let me tell you, these carts have some power when you first get going!! By the end of the trip it was putting along and I was lucky to make it back to the charging station.

And--Cole is really into tents these days.  This weekend Cy got a big blanket and made him a tent in the den.  He was so proud!

Just for the record--I am now 31 weeks and 5 days pregnant!  The little guy is moving around like crazy!  
It is fun to feel him move, but also makes me worried sometimes.  Last time I didn't make it this far in my pregnancy, so I don't know what is "normal" or how it feels to have a 4 lb. baby moving inside.  The doctor monitored me for contractions this morning.  He assured me that my contractions are Braxton Hicks.  Also, some of what I am feeling is just normal movement and nothing to be alarmed about.
We are so thankful for each day of this pregnancy and we are praying that this sweet baby won't be born until April.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Cole's First Trip to the Lease!

Last weekend Cy took Cole to his lease in South Texas!  It was their first father/son hunting trip!
They went with 2 other dads and their sons.  So fun and I see lots of these trips in our future.
I was so excited for them to get out of town and have some fun.
Their trip started out a little rocky since the roads were icy and dangerous on Friday morning.
They left and got to Fulshear, only to turn around and come back.  After lunch and watching the news for hours, they decided to leave again.  They were able to make it without any problems.
I missed them like crazy and tried my best not to call, text or email every hour.
Cy was very good about sending me pictures to keep me posted on how things were going.
He did tell me that this was a guy's trip and he wasn't going to tell me every detail!!  He did admit that none of the kids had a bath the whole time they were gone!!

My dad was also out of town for the weekend.  So, my mom and I had a nice quiet weekend at home.
Not too much to report-just lots of Words with Friends.  We are total dorks.

I had an appt with my high risk doctor, Dr. Kirshon, today.
We got a great report!  Baby Boy is growing and weighs 3 lbs 2 oz.  My cerclage is holding and I am not dilated or effaced at all.  The bed rest is working.  Dr. Kirshon was very encouraged and said he is 95% sure that I will make it to at least 37 weeks.  Praise the Lord.  We are so thankful for a healthy pregnancy and baby.  Please keep us in your prayers.

Is this the cutest picture ever??
Love the outfit! Trying to convince Cole that it is cool to wear sunglasses and ear plugs!
Ready to go, Papa!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

No News is Good News!

So, I don't have much to write about today.  I am really trying to keep up with this blog, so I thought I would just add some random thoughts.
-I am 28 weeks and 4 days pregnant today! I am so thankful for each day that this little guy continues to grow and develop in my womb.
-I ordered some Big Brother, Little Brother shirts yesterday.
-Cole's vocabulary is growing every day.  He now has learned that my other name is Allison, Papa's other name is Cy, Deana's other name is Donna and Duke's other name is Norman.  It is hilarious!!
-I love to listen to the conversations that he has with himself when he wakes up in the mornings.  He usually talks about the dogs and horses and calls them by slapping his leg and saying "Here, Come" or whistling.
-The weather is super cold and yucky here--at least that is what I hear--so it is kinda nice to stay inside all day.
-I am obsessed with Words with Friends.  It is a great way to pass my time and makes me feel like I am using my mind some too.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Cupcake Party

We had our families over this weekend for cupcakes and ice cream to celebrate Cole's 2nd birthday.
We are planning to have a swimming party for him this summer, so we did something low key just so we could sing and celebrate.  I know it seems kinda funny to weird to wait until this summer for a party, but it is hard to plan something in the winter.  Cole loves to swim, so I decided even before I was on bed rest that a summer party would be best.
We went to Dr. Pielop this morning for his 2 year check up.  Cole is in the 49% for height and finally made the charts on weight with a whopping 19.8 pounds in the 2%.  Dr. Pielop was very impressed with his vocabulary.  I am such the nerdy mom and I made a list of all his words--he has 185 words that he uses by himself, without being prompted.  Cole has many more words that he will regularly repeat.  The saddest and hardest part of the appt was when Cole had to get blood taken out of his arm! What?? I thought the finger prick was going to bad and I was shocked when they said they had to do it from his arm.  I think I was 25 before I ever had blood taken from my arm.  He actually did really well.  Thank goodness my mom was there to help!
Here are some pictures from the family party.  I am the worst person with a camera. Of course I didn't take any pictures of the set up or cute cupcake toppers.  Then my camera battery ran out half way through so my sister-in-law took took the rest of the pictures.  I will add those as soon as I get them.
Rachel, Reagan, and Rebecca
Outside with Deana
Duke always ends up with the hat on.
Bumps for Uncle Stephen
Thanks for the Little People Bus Aunt Cristy